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Is it OK to be optimistic about Covid-19 now?

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 12:23 PM ET, Fri March 5, 2021

(CNN)For the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a majority of Americans believe our fight against the virus is getting better in a new Gallup national poll, the latest sign that optimism is creeping back into American life after a year of quarantining, mask-wearing and vaccine-waiting.

Six in 10 Americans said they think the Covid situation is getting better as compared to just 14% who said things were getting worse. (Another quarter of respondents said things were roughly the same.) That's a remarkable turnaround since even November, when almost three quarters of Americans (73%) said the Covid situation in the country was getting worse.

The relative optimism/pessimism about the virus over the past year has closely tracked with surges and declines in the number of cases in the country. That's true now, too; cases have been dropping steadily since mid-January, and with it, hospitalizations and deaths. As of Friday morning, the United States is reporting 59,410 cases per day, the lowest rolling 7-day average since mid October.

But, unlike past declines -- only to be followed by even larger surges -- this moment appears to be different. There are now three authorized Covid-19 vaccines -- Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson -- and 80.5 million does have been administered in the United States. For the first time ever, the US is averaging more than 2 million vaccine shots administered a day over the last week.

Outside of the immediate realm of public health, the news is also good. The economy added nearly 400,000 jobs in February while the unemployment rate ticked down slightly to 6.2%. (Worth noting: There are still 9.5 million fewer people with jobs than at this point one year ago.)

And, it's spring -- or almost spring! -- in most of the United States. Days are getting longer (and warmer).

Data Source:

Updated March 5, 2021



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